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By Loner_Lou - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, my new colleagues took me up on my idea of a group night out. Perhaps they'll actually invite me along next time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 992
You deserved it 3 162

Top comments

All you have to do is secretly invite yourself! :D

1dvs_bstd 41

Colleague: who invited you? OP: bitch please, this whole night out was my idea.


Trooth 13

That's when it's time to use photoshop to post of a picture of yourself partying with a celebrity. Sorry about what happened!

Wizardo 33

Wait for them at the place sitting on a high backed spinning desk chair and stroking a white cat...

time to get better colleagues mate..

addioty 19

Most people don't get a say. . .

BreynHope 11

Aww that sucks, OP. I know what it's like to have shitty coworkers who leave you out. I actually quit that job because they were so awful. Anyway, don't feel like your the problem. They're just assholes.

maybe they felt no need to invite you, since you came up with the idea they may have assumed you would come. Like if i say, we should all go and play soccer, they may assume that im going to come and so they may go and invite others who didnt hear me suggest the idea, they may even go as far as saying to the others that 'hey, mustabee said we should go play soccer, so are you coming' so noone would invite you because they think u already coming. If this isant the case, then im sorry, maybe you should organise the group outing next and not just suggest it

Take the initiative! Others will follow. You'd be surprised what a little leadership can do.

tehdarkness 21

Get some confidence And come along!

Jst4kicks 16

maybe you are that one asshole friend