Close encounter

By magicalDEATH - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I flew a toy helicopter into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 266
You deserved it 35 691

Top comments

seriously? what did you not see it or where you like "oh, look here comes the helicopter straight to my face, should I move? no it'll probably change it's course any minute now".

I feel a paradox. You were piloting a helicopter on a trajectory that went awry, spun out, and crashed it into your own face. How odd.


drgnsf8 0

so, you didn't see a helicopter coming toward you to at least duck, you moron

calm down OP haters. this is the only fml that got me to laugh in like a week.

lol thats funny the same thing happend to me but it waz a toy truck. =D

If you can't fly these things, then please never try driving.

Jeff2017 0

OMG finally a real fml I love it.....SIKE

pwincessa23 1

Seriously, people are DYiNg in Haiti and ur fugly face being hit by a toy is going to f*ck ur life?!

lmao thats hella funny although i do feel sorry for you lmao