Challenge accepted

By friskeyk14 - 04/10/2011 07:04 - United States

Today, I showed my boyfriend a calendar, marked with the number of times we've had sex over the past month. Then followed by a calendar of the month before, which had almost triple the number of hits. I had to point out that our stats need to improve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 009
You deserved it 19 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure if a calender and calculations works on him, but to me that just sounded like a total mood kill

I appreciate the fact that you're keeping score and wanting MORE sex, but if I was your boyfriend, I'd be a little weirded out that you're keeping score.


All I would have to do is buy a blank 2010 and 2011 calendar to show my girlfriend all the times we've had sex in the past 2 years...

Because who wouldn't want to sleep with the awesome person who keeps statistics on sex? Nothing is quite as much a turn on as fact sheets and data.

oh yeah baby, tell me about your filing system...

Turning sex into a job is a sure fire way to kill the mood. If you act like that in other areas, which you most definitely do, don't be surprised if you find out he's having PLENTY of sex- just not with YOUR demanding ass.

xearthmuffin 0

Um... Why the hell are you keeping a calendar of that.

Bossman11 6

Um... Why the hell is your hair a rainbow?

did u forget that last month was the month u cheated on him.. that's why ur numbers were tripled. or do u use a different color for the extras

I do that... kinda. I keep track of how many times we have sex a month in an app, and I show him occasionally, just for s&g's. the point of me keeping track is incase I get pregnant, you know, try to pinpoint the date of conception...