Caught in 4K

By reptar2009 - 02/12/2009 00:49 - United States

Today, my parents found cigarettes in my car. After a long argument lasting over an hour, I convinced them that they weren't mine and that I don't smoke. A few minutes later, I went to work. Guess who decided to visit me during my smoke break. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 423
You deserved it 87 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

glorbnakcs 0
cpatrick820 3

Honestly, who do you expect to feel bad for you? You just admitted you lied. You got caught in a lie. Boo ******' hoo


sportsnut 0

YDI, i can tell ou about all the health effects but you wont listen, what about the smell though? and all of the money you are throwing away with them? 1 pack, $4, 1 pack/day = $28/week, $112/month, 1344/year. I am sure you find something better to spend your money on maybe go to college, get a new TV, or something else. How stupid does everyone have to be to see what kind of waste this is? totally not worth it

I make $144,000 a year. I doubt that spending under $2,000 on cigarettes will kill my budget. Not that you don't have a valid point, I'm just saying, for everyone it isn't a huge financial concern. As far as the health issues go. I get a thorough check up every other year, I mean sitting in the little glass box and taking breathing tests, x-rays, etc. After 8 years of smoking and 25 years of being raised by a man who smoked around me every single day they still can't tell the difference between me and someone who doesn't smoke. My father is over 50 and has a pack a day habit, same thing for him, his doctor doesn't even believe that he has smoke for more than 5 years, although he has been for almost 35 years. Not everyone who smokes in some kind of unhealthy time bomb just waiting to go off.

wow... smokes are cheap wherever you live. Here you can easily spend $30 on a pack of smokes. So for people who smoke a pack or two a day, they're screwed. I have a friend who is a check-out chick and sometimes works at the service desk (where you have to buy the cigarettes from) and she says she always gets the same people coming through making their kids go without so that they can afford their cigarettes. She said one day there was a woman who came through with her kid with her, about 8 years old maybe, saying "Mum, I'm hungry. Can I have a peach?" (he wasn't even asking for candy, he wanted a piece of fruit!) and she said "shut up, no, I'm buying my smokes." Not saying all smokers are heartless b*tches, just that the amount it costs can be financially crippling.

SeximusPrime 0

You deserve it for being a smoker. FAIL.

you didn't convince them in the first place

how about just don't smoke instead of lying about it?

muboshgu 0

the only thing worse than a smoker is a liar

xKoga 0

YDI for lying to the ones that gave you birth and that you can trust. Too bad it isn't mutual anymore.

I'm 19 years old and have to hide my habit of smoking from my father. He's very religious and about killed my older brother when he found out that he was smoking.

And guys, stop giving this kid crap for smoking. You can't tell me that when you were young you all were little goody two shoes. That's BS. So stop being so rude to them and realize that eventually they will make a decision to either quit or to keep on smoking. As far as I am concerned, all of you have lied to your parents at one point or another. None of you have any room to bash anyone else for lying or smoking or anything. How many of you came home plastered in high school and were almost caught? Skipping classes? Sneaking out? Any of that crap that we all did in high school. Stop being so rude and get over yourselves. None of you are perfect and this kid just got caught. I've been caught before doing stupid stuff. Get over yourselves.

I'm 21 and I've never smoked. I would agree that yeah everyone has done something stupid and probably lied to their parents so shouldn't bash someone else for doing the same... EXCEPT... this guy was stupid enough to POST IT ON FML and then suggest it's actually an FML! Most people would have the balls to admit they had done something stupid. This guy is looking for sympathy. THAT'S what the bashing is about.

People like you are the worst thing about FML. Do you come here everyday and think, "Oh man, I can wait to be sympathetic toward some people!"? Of course not. This is not a place for sympathy. This is a place for funny stories about bad things happening to people.