Burn the witch!

By fanaticalfuckspawn - 25/08/2014 20:14 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, I told my mom I've been taking yoga lessons, and that it'd be cool if she took some with me. She immediately went on a rant, calling yoga "satanic" and accusing me of trying to get her into "devil worship". Well, that's the last time I try to patch our relationship up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 168
You deserved it 3 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

myoukei 31

Your mom definitely needs the yoga more than you do OP!

Okay, your mom sounds like a ******* crazy person.


ShadowlessSpear 21

Maybe if you stop worshipping Satan she'll trust you.

Corvo_Attano_4 12

Yoga is actually the complete opposite. It's spiritual and calming so it's really weird that your mom would think it's some evil ritual.

That just sounds like an excuse for her laziness

23lf 16

If she thinks yoga is satanic, how will she feel about meditating? If she likes it, she'll release some of that pent up anger.

She probably thinks anything outside of her religion is satanic. I know some Christians like that.

I don't think it's as much that anything outside her religion is satanic, as much as yoga and meditation are originally a religious practice from Hinduism/Buddhism; which is the issue. I don't think she realizes that meditation and yoga are now used as a way to decompress; I think she still thinks it is a form of religious ceremony for anyone that does it.

Funny thing is is that meditation and prayer are actually really similar in how they work. I mean obviously meditation is not prayer, but prayer is a form of meditation. Jesus even teaches meditation in the Bible.

Namaste= a summon for the devil? I think not.

Namaste= HAIL THE DARKLORD BEELZEBUB! or... Something like "peace be with your soul". I can't remember.

I'm pretty sure the literal translation is just "I bow to you"

Actually, namaste literally means 'hello' in Hindu. It's just a greeting. @#37, I think with 'peace be upon your soul', you're thinking of the Muslim greeting, Asalam Alykum (sorry I've never seen it spelt in English) which means 'May peace be upon you'

cjwayy 22

Your mother sounds like my grandma on my mom's side. Crazy and beyond help. I don't know your situation, but you may be better off without her :/

ahippienamedrae 10

Downward facing dog is the best way to summon Satan, after all.