Bunch of Freeloaders...

By Anonymous - 12/02/2017 18:00 - United States - Spring Hill

Today, after having my Wi-Fi unlocked for two years, I decided to lock it since it was running slowly. Everybody in my apartment building came to my door and asked me why I did it. I've been unknowingly providing free Wi-Fi to the entire building for years, but now that it's protected I'm getting constant dirty looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 742
You deserved it 3 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fun fact: that's technically illegal. To look more like an asshole, call the cops on everyone!

Unlocked means password free. Did you not think people weren't going to treat you like a Starbucks?


Sod them. It's your Wifi and yu protect it how you see fit

I'm just amazed you didn't password protect it earlier. Sure, they're dicks for being upset about it, but surely you knew people were using it?

Must feel good to cut the freeloading bastards off.

Since you've cut off everyone else in your apartment building, and rightly so, your wifi speed should increase.

TMO2142 25

Well time to get new wifi? or you could make a new user to access and delete the other one.

YDI - But only because you waited so long to password protect your wifi.

I had a similar problem with my internet at home a few years back. It was super slow and laggy, and finally my family and I figured out that several of our neighbors had been mooching internet off us. We promptly got a new wifi server set up and added a password to it. Funnily enough, one of our neighbors got their own internet later on, and I happened to notice they'd named it "yousuck." Can't help but feel that may have been directed at us. I found it hilarious.

So your first indication was it running slowly and not the internet bill that must have been super high?

Imagine how much extra bandwidth you've been charged for from them browsing for past couple years.. Think, a single movie is like 3gb in bandwidth when streamed on average

Ask them if they pay for it. When they say no slam the door