Bullshit excuse

By Anonymous - 27/09/2021 08:00

Today, my girlfriend recently dumped me because she's serious about her career (temp secretary) and needs a man who’s also serious about his career. I’m an area manager for 6 hotels, making almost six figures. I found out she's now dating a very low level weed dealer. Serious career. Sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 729
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've seen this before and here's why it happens...math That dude simply has more time to spend with her than you. I bet you work 50+ hours a week, median street dealer works about 20. That's 30+ more hours a week that he has to build/nurture his relationships that you just don't have. I mean just imagine what you could do with 30+ more hours a week and an extremely flexible schedule. On the other hand, she'll probably get tired of bailing him out jail.

sounds like it was planned and she just needed a reason. move on and cut your losses bro