Bad timing

By amya - 17/10/2009 08:39 - Canada

Today, I had a phone interview for a job I've had my eye on forever. I was dumped a few hours before the interview, but was okay until I was put on hold with music playing. Me and my boyfriend's song came on and I started bawling. I could hardly talk when they took me off hold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 370
You deserved it 9 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your first mistake was saying "me and my boyfriend." First of all its "my boyfriend and I", and second, you just said he broke up with you.. "my ex-boyfriend and I". Seriously. It sucks, but get over it.

that is why u don't "have a song" that way nothing sets off ur emotions

No wonder your boyfriend dumped you. It's bad enough having to have a "song," but when that song is hold music you've crossed the line.

too easy. you should have offed the music long before the song came on. hindsight is 20/20 though...

ozymandias_fml 0

Good. This way they know you are an over-emotional wreck and don't accidentally hire you. Next time, act like an adult, at the minimum, and preferably a professional, and maybe you would prove the stereotype about women in the workplace wrong. Women like you cause the pay-gap. Congratulations.

you guys are assholes. you know nothing about this relationship