Bad mom

By Anonymous - 10/12/2009 14:34 - United States

Today, my daughter's school called to inform me that I needed to bring her some sneakers. Not feeling like driving the 15 minutes to her school, I told them I was away from town. Then I realized I was on my house phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 673
You deserved it 71 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

"I lied, just because I am lazy, but I couldn't even do it right." Oh yeah, obviously your life is terrible.

Mother of the year of the year award goes to... (drum roll) ...Not you, you lazy bitch.


WTF is wrong with you!!! get off your ass and take responsibility you lazy ****

FY daughters life for having sucha shitty lazy mother. Is it too late to consider adoption?

superman1976 0

Hello, call forwarding.

frivolous 0

Well, what else were you gonna do? Sit around and watch Oprah reruns until your daughter comes home?

eff_everything 0

To all those who are sticking up for the OP because maybe the daughter should have been prepared or because she didn't really need the sneakers and it's not a big deal.... the OP didn't say that she lied because she wanted to teach her daugher a lesson or because the school was overreacting. She specifically said she lied because she didn't feel like driving the fifteen minutes to the school.

CoffeeCovered 0

What kind of mother ARE you? If you can't even be bothered to do one small, simple thing for your daughter, how do you expect to do the much more important things for her?

Exactly. A small simple thing. Which translates to, not that big of a deal. If her daughter was being held at gunpoint, I'd doubt she'd say, 'Oh, I cba.' Not bringing her daughter's sneakers is hardly the end of the world. xx

you, sir/madam, are a bitch. I would hope your daughter does not take after you.

wambamtysam 0

wow, my mom would do anything for me. thanks op for being such a dumbass because I think I'm going to go hug my mom now.

Hmm, yeah. OP did say, the school called because she "needed" to bring her child shoes, she didn't feel like she wanted to drive 15 minutes (not that she was working or unable to), and said she was out of town (lie). So, in turn, the caller would tell this child, your mom left town and can't bring you your shoes you need :( I don't think providing a child with needed supplies would be considered spoiling. Teaching discipline and self-reliance can be taught many other times. Ideally, parents are there to support and guide your children through life, especially more so when you're under 18 years of age. I don't have children, but I can't imagine I would do the same as the OP did, strictly based on this FML. I kinda want my children to think, no matter what I will be there for them when they need me the most, and not feel abandoned (ie. surprise, I left town)

ihatestupidppl 0

I don't know what kind of schools you all went to, but I know my school personnel had WAYYYY more important things to do than to call parents in every time a student plain old "forgot" something. Forgot your sneakers for gym? Tough, you don't get to participate, sit down and read. (And I went to a school that made us wear a uniform, for whoever asked). Parents were only called if something was NECESSARY. So, judging from my personal experience, I'm assuming the mom was called out of necessity. (Also, the OP *did* say "to inform me that I needed to...", not "to ask if I could..."). Which is why I have to agree with the people calling her lazy. Worst mother ever? No. But definitely lazy, and a tad selfish. When you make the decision to have children, you make the decision to but yourself on the back-burner a little for the sake of your child. I know my mom would have been there for me right away. But, as I said before, if she had been called at all it would have been a necessity. *Shrug*

That was a very well thought out and executed explanation. Agreed.