Bad hair day

By Faithy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got flustered because my hair straightener wasn't working. It took me fifteen minutes to realize I hadn't turned it on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 915
You deserved it 48 976

Top comments


guckylynn 19

The worst part is, whilst only works in a small percentage of sentences. For 99% of sentences while works way netter.

guckylynn 19

And here when would be more appropriate that a whilst or while.

Story of my life... but I'm the person who sits there and actually goes over every part and not realizing that it's not doing anything

XXizzlerXX 0

that happened to me before .. welll atleast like that.. so I was looking for my cellphone cuz I thought I lost it but I was holding it the whole time :P

oh, those hair straighteners. They're so feisty.

BadSuerte 0

so, OP how long have you been blonde? or are you one of those that dyed their hair a different color? YDI!

Sukismama 2

Dont listen to all the negative comments on here. I've done this a could times as well, it just slips your mind sometimes ya know