Bad hair day

By Faithy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got flustered because my hair straightener wasn't working. It took me fifteen minutes to realize I hadn't turned it on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 915
You deserved it 48 976

Top comments


It's not that hard to turn on a straighter! Gawd people now a days..

KatrinaKitten 16

Laziness isn't the point. Foolishness, more like...

griffindragon97 3

Oh, well, the irony is as painful as it was predictable.

laurbear12 3

50- learn the difference between 'your' and 'you're' before you call someone else an idiot, idiot.

1215116a 14

It's not even laziness. Some people are so indulged that they think a hair straightener not working justifies them to say "**** my life".

It's ok. Just make sure to turn the vibrator on.

kiaralove53 0

I am ashamed to say that has happened to me before. My now GHD beeps when I turn it on so I don't have that problem as often :)

griffindragon97 3

so it still happens to u since not as often

perdix 29

With that kind of time, you could have struggled in vain with a child's 10-piece puzzle.

vna24seven 0

that's funny sounds like something I would so do

kaleighiscool 0

Lol; happens allll the time to me! We all have our blonde moments.

ifbrockd 0

no your just down right stupid

1215116a 14

What's with people all using 'whilst' all the sudden? Why not while?