Angry little kid

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was helping first-graders do school work when one of them stabbed me in the face with a pencil, all because I told her that a three was backwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 951
You deserved it 3 539

Top comments

ninjuh_wingman 29


Why do I feel libraries will soon need a class III permit to sell pencils...

ghembob 2

And cue the IEP referral for ED.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

That's scary, I have a feeling that kid is going to be dealing with much bigger problems down the road....

texas_redneck88 10

Little ****** will be spendin' some time in juvy

unknownfork 12

7 year olds don't have nap times...

texas_redneck88 10

Marisadc79- there'll be more than just the kid gettin' sent to the office and the parents comin in for a conference, she'll be goin' to juvy for assault against a public servant

chrissygurl4523 1

Wow so this is what we are teaching our children? Stabbing is ok. Sorry about your face