Angry little kid

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was helping first-graders do school work when one of them stabbed me in the face with a pencil, all because I told her that a three was backwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 951
You deserved it 3 539

Top comments

ninjuh_wingman 29


Sounds like my mom - she's a substitute teacher in St. Paul

Apparently you're not supposed to criticize kids these days. They do some creepy ish

Oh it was Minnesota. I thought maybe it was my sister. She recently did that. But we're not in Minnesota.

Bitches don't like being told bout their 3s lol

Ssampson1464 0

that's what happens when parents wont elopes their child's ass.

seems like #13 should have been stabbed with the pencil.

RussianStallion 2

Find a way to break up her parents marriage because clearly they aren't setting a good example as a couple.