An attempt was made

By Nofatforme - 06/09/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, I saw a girl I haven't seen in 4 years. She used to like me back then. Since then I have lost 50 pounds, and never had the confidence to ask her out. She said I looked really sexy so I decided to ask her out on a date then and there. She said no, she only likes fat guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 819
You deserved it 4 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sorry, but this is just really stupid. obviously you can find someone better who can appreciate that you lost 50lbs

Sorry, dude, but if you'd not lost your weight, she probably would've said "I only dig thin guys."


sublime93 0

Idk, seems kinda weird that she would actually tell you that she only likes fat guys

IOwnedYou 0

Which means you`ve lost weight, get over her.

why not ask her out when you knew she liked you? she could've been married by now (although unlikely). but, i agree with the others. don't gain weight again!

Size doesn't matter unless it causes health problems.

Why would she call you "sexy" if her real preference was fatties? Is she saying that you'd be sexy for normal girls, but not plumpa humpas? Sounds similar to my story. My teenage dating years were ruined in part by braces. Three weeks before I was due to have them taken off, I met a girl who went on and on about how cute they were. She took my virginity the night we met. After I got the braces off? Not interested.

laomaostu 0

forget about her. she is using it as an excuse or she is stupid to like fat guy

If you knew for a fact she used to like you, you should have gone for her four years ago. But don't gain the weight back just to impress her. As cliche as it sounds, if you're not happy with your own body, nobody will love you. :(

Eh, she's being shallow. Find someone who likes you for your personality.

If you knew she liked you four years ago, then you should have asked her out. It's not like she would have said no. right? but, that being said, there are other fish in the sea, man. you've got confidence now, so go catch those fish! XDD

blueem2 0

YDI for being concieved by your parents. No one loves you fatty fat fat.

lilmisslovely13 15

uhhh the point is that he's not fat anymore. i get that you're trying to be funny, but you can't be if what you're saying is so totally stupid and doesn't make sense. so basically, don't try to be funny. cuz ur not.