Air filters

By David - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle

Today, my mother-in-law moved in because she has a hip problem. I don't know what's worse, her constant complaining and slob like tendencies, or the eight cats she brought along with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 423
You deserved it 2 221

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soullessgingers 0

If she's living in your house, you need to set lines and not let her run you over.


Cats rule. Just make sure they are all neutered and get regularly flea and worm prevention, clean litter boxes (at least three although some people say 8 plus 1) and let them go outside if your house is not very big and it is safe outside. Hip or no hip, your mil will have to help out keeping it clean. Without complaining, of course.

Make sure she knows of you newfound cat allergy.

Lots of people have cats and aren't lazy slobs who bitch about everything. But I hope that the mil has moved out since then!

The cats are definitely the worst part of that situation

Sorry I shouldn't have said u deserved it but I wanted it to get to 2016 cuz that's the year ya know

You have eight cats to play with and you're COMPLAINING? Send them over to me, I can always use some more kittehs! (Yes, I already have two. There's always room for more furry family!)