A writer writes

By Anonymous - 12/06/2020 05:05

Today, my boyfriend came across an old poem I wrote. I like to write horror stuff, but he was disturbed, called it “silly” and “sad”, and said he didn’t want to have a girlfriend who thinks about stuff like that. I'm now discouraged from becoming a writer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 741
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need a boyfriend who is going to support you

Sounds more like you need a boyfriend who isn't going to be a liability to you, OP.


peithecelt 28

the issue here is not you, or your poetry, but instead a man who doesn't respect you and all of your thoughts.

bobsanction 18

You write horror stuff and are about to be single? Slide into my DMs girl I'd love to read your stuff.

Your punctuation and sentence structure says you shouldn't be a writer.

mikkigrlxx 13

Have you tried writing a full story with a limited number of characters?

Well, if he doesn't want a girlfriend who's a writer, you can dump him, and he'll no longer have a girlfriend who thinks about stuff like that.