By no she wasn't high - 02/12/2013 02:50 - United States - Garland

Today, I had to explain to my daughter that just because it says non-toxic on the crayons, it doesn't mean that you should eat them. She's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 881
You deserved it 5 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nuggetmonster 12

I guess you could say she's not the brightest crayon in the box.

JocelynKaulitz 28


nuggetmonster 12

I guess you could say she's not the brightest crayon in the box.

JMichael 25

I'd say her color is maybe royal blue

i'd say she's explorative. the guy who invented gum tried to eat rubber.

Why royal blue. I bet she was tickled pink!

I bet after finding that out, she was orphan blue: the saddest of all blues.

things get confusing when a crayon is called Mac n cheese

whathefuckislife 11

I imagine your daughter is still in classes where crayon use is rather prevalent.

caohm 18

I've said it once I'm saying it now and by God I will probably say it again! It's dangerous being that stupid.

That's not exactly fair though, I mean these days they all have names like "blueberry" "grape soda" "strawberry cupcake"

The way I see it is, if it doesn't look like food, it probably isn't edible.

You probably shouldn't eat it just because it looks like food. So you ahould also smell it, but if it smells like not food its probably not food.

Rainhawk94 27

Don't get all philosophical now

StompinOnCrayons 15

And they also have ones that smell like fruit

There actually are crayons that are edible. They're made out of beans or something weird. They aren't meant for eating, but it wouldn't be bad for you. They probably wouldn't taste very good.

SystemofaBlink41 27

75- Wow! The repetition there is almost poetic!

I've always wondered what they taste like...

Yeah, crumbly wax that sticks in your teeth. Gross.

When you were a kid did you ever scratch the inside of your ear, forget to wash your hands, and eat? It tastes like that. No I didn't eat crayons on purpose. When I was a kid my mom lit crayons instead of candles on my cake (it was pretty cool) and my cousin convinced me they were edible. She lied!

no they don't taste like ear wax, they taste like unscented candles that you put in the freezer

The flavor of the crayon is dependent on the color. Just like slushies!

Your cousin is an evil genius! And i swear ear wax tastes like death!!

that was meant for #31 (im new (and not very good) at this)

you were doing fine until you corrected yourself. don't worry, you get used to it

I guess she wanted to taste the rainbow.

Maybe she actually wanted to see if she could poop a rainbow......

I thought you used skittles to taste the rainbow

Maybe they are secretly delicious ?

buttcramp 21

they do taste like wax but at 16? you are a terrible parent and your kids dumb

Whoa, a bit uncalled for, don't you think #26?

Sweetpea22 14

So having a stupid kid means OP is a terrible parent? Guess your parents are terrible because you're an idiot

buttcramp 21

no I'm just saying my child is more intelligent.

buttcramp 21

and yeah my parents are terrible lol

Llama_Face89 33

59- Nobody gives a rats ass about your kid. I just hope they don't turn out like you.

Blame not the parents but blame the education system.

And this is the reason why company's have to put do not eat on almost everything...even things that are common sense. Snh

You have hungry daughter like my cousin!

OP's daughter could actually be your cousin. It's a small world.

IworkAt711 14

10- I don't know why, but I read your comment like it was in some stereotypical asian woman's voice.

#68 - I read it with Borat's accent.