Who am I?

By BadFather - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I discovered my wife and I have referred to our two-year-old as 'Cutie' or 'Beautiful' so many times she won't respond to her own name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 875
You deserved it 43 532

Top comments

weepingangel_fml 7

Good job. I applaud you. Now you must go get her name legally changed. I can just imagine 23 years in the future when a guy is hitting on her: "what's your name, beautiful?" "My name's Beautiful." "Your name is beautiful? What is it then?" "Beautiful." "Okay, but what is your name, cutie?" "You know my middle name?" "How would I know your middle name if you won't even tell me your first name?!" "My name is Beautiful Cutie." "oh, you're flirting back now?" "I give up."

artsyfox 3

at least she will grow up with confidence.


nicoleclark 0

First! :). -dont diss me , this has been a dream of mine!

BeastNerd 3

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway
valdancer99 0

It isn't weird. Glad you agree.

FunwithBumperCar 0

Better than Precious or Majestic

You just wanted to be first so you said what you skimmed

xxDefiantxx 0
artsyfox 3

at least she will grow up with confidence.

neonblue120 6

Confident or cocky... let's hope it's the good one.

its not cocky if you can back up What You say

29- No, even if you are beautiful/cute if you go around saying "I'm so beautiful, I'm so cute..." it is cocky and annoying.

Artsyfox, I love your picture. That is all.

bizarre_ftw 21

^ that's impossible to pronounce

^ sin-non-e-moss See!.. Not impossible, except I suppose for those incapable of speech.

nattynatters 14

My parents did the same thing to my little sister only they called her "pooh" as in whinnie the. We had to have a family meeting and inform her that her name was in fact, not Pooh.

saIty 17

I feel so pretty. Oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and bright~

Is that how the song goes now? PC reasons?

ikickgingers 15

Enslaved... I only know the words because it was sung in Anger Management. Lol.

pretty sure that's from the glee version.. not that I'm complaining.. I love glee :)

littlemissalex 3

67, it is a line from the Glee version, but it was in West Side Story's "I Feel Pretty" before Glee used it in a mash-up.

MsMeiriona 2

Actually, 'night' version is the original lyrics, 'day' was a later version, I believe for film.

And I pity Any girl who isn't meee Tonight

threer 30

I feel pretty. Oh, so pretty. I feel pretty, and witty, and gay! And then I forgot everything else.

magnetic_aura 26

That's just one verse That verse ends: "I feel pretty and witty and bright and so pretty that I pity any girl who isn't me tonight" The other verse ends: "I feel pretty and witty and gay and so pretty that I pity any girl who isn't me today"

juturnaamo 29

That's going to be awkward in pre-k, but til then, I guess you can stick with those :) That will be an awesome story later in life :)

weepingangel_fml 7

Good job. I applaud you. Now you must go get her name legally changed. I can just imagine 23 years in the future when a guy is hitting on her: "what's your name, beautiful?" "My name's Beautiful." "Your name is beautiful? What is it then?" "Beautiful." "Okay, but what is your name, cutie?" "You know my middle name?" "How would I know your middle name if you won't even tell me your first name?!" "My name is Beautiful Cutie." "oh, you're flirting back now?" "I give up."

Ohh wow just wow!! And that's why you try to meet people in person.. To make it even more weird! But truly intertaining.

cjguthrie 8

Who gives a shit bout spelling no 1 is perfect!!!!!!!