By skeletor - 18/02/2009 03:22 - United States

Today, my group of friends, my girlfriend, and I were playing "Never have I ever." My girlfriend's turn came up and she went with, "Never have I ever had an orgasm." FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 040
You deserved it 21 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't take it too badly man. My current girlfriend admitted to me that she had never had an ****** before being with me (despite previous attempts by 3 different boyfriends and herself). It varies from girl-to-girl, and some of them just have a really hard time getting there. I recommend trying more foreplay and practice by concentrating on what makes HER feel good.

FrostyNorth 0

a) The majority of women never achieve ****** from straight intercourse. b) Most women don't fully develop an ability to ****** from oral sex or intercourse until their mid-20's. Don't think of this as an FML, but as a golden opportunity! Just be patient and attentive and you'll have a much better chance at giving her her first ******! (Just imagine how grateful she'd be!)


Don't take it too badly man. My current girlfriend admitted to me that she had never had an ****** before being with me (despite previous attempts by 3 different boyfriends and herself). It varies from girl-to-girl, and some of them just have a really hard time getting there. I recommend trying more foreplay and practice by concentrating on what makes HER feel good.

zidane312 0

Yeah, try eating it or something lol. Pounding it really hard also helps.

Wow, how lame do you have to be to look up the rules of 'Never have I ever' online?

How lame do you have to be to play stupid drinking games and know all the rules to all of them?

After she said that, did she drink or not?

Wow. -_- Now I have to wonder what happened after she said that.

FrostyNorth 0

a) The majority of women never achieve ****** from straight intercourse. b) Most women don't fully develop an ability to ****** from oral sex or intercourse until their mid-20's. Don't think of this as an FML, but as a golden opportunity! Just be patient and attentive and you'll have a much better chance at giving her her first ******! (Just imagine how grateful she'd be!)

What you should do is step up to the challenge. When I told my ex that I didn't seem to be able to have an ****** from intercourse, he was like "Ok." and never caught on to my attempts to increase foreplay and what not. Be that awesome boyfriend who gives a girl her first ******!!