With friends like these…

By dreadedmafia86 - 12/03/2010 00:22 - United States

Today, I was upset after my boyfriend and I broke up. My best friend heard and told me she would be right over. Three hours of waiting later, she stumbles in wasted. She had been at the bar, with my ex, making sure he was okay. For me, I just got a list of all the drinks she had that night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 071
You deserved it 2 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I agree with Snickerdoodles too, I also have had a friend like that before, and it's true that you feel so much better if you just don't put up with their shit anymore. OP: I feel terrible for you, those kind of things hurt.. it's like one backstab after another.

that's why ou shut out the rest of humanity an live your life the way you want, wait. that's probably my depression problem. oh well. **** it, and op. lose the shitty friend

Gluevah 0

Well, looks like it's time to get a new best friend 8D

Looks like it's time to 'dump' the so called best friend! She obviously fuckedddd him! I'm sorry OP, FYL!

ShitzNGigglez: yes it may be too much "too" ask when you don't seem to proofread your posts either.

bryttanicutter 2

Idiots put enough jealousy in their relationships without it spilling over to their friendships too. Assuming you three were all friends, she had every right to console him. Even if she did **** him, he's single now and can therefore **** whoever he wants. It's no longer your business who he *****. The relationship's over, accept it and move on with your life. Even if she was your "best" friend (what, people are supposed to rank their friendships?) she is under no obligation to put your needs before her own. The only person who should be putting your needs first is you. You all have your own lives and you should respect that, not expect her to drop everything she's doing to go to your stupid pity party, especially when she has better things to do like actually have fun with her other friend (OP's ex). You're the one being a shitty friend here, not her. You three should have all been getting wasted together (and if you can't "handle" spending time with your ex because it's "awkward", then you're an immature, clingy little shit. Deal with it. I've seamlessly transitioned from relationship to friendship before and so can you.)

@74 Aw, I've been caught in my own web. Oh well, not even God is perfect, but at least I attempted to write my comment properly.