What's up, doc?

By Anonymous - 07/04/2018 05:00

Today, I went to the doctor because of the redness and swelling of my penis, hoping that it was just a minor rash or allergic reaction. Nope! According to the doctor, who could barely stop herself from laughing, it's good old-fashioned friction burns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 043
You deserved it 1 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donut_Wizard 23

Gently apply Tabasco sauce to the affected area 3 times a day until the symptoms subside...

pugs 12

It's because his tinder dates leave before they finish their appetizers.


Mungolikecandy 19

Repeat after me...sandpaper is not a masturbatory aid,

Donut_Wizard 23

That’s what they want you to think.

Ishvah 15

You're suppose to wipe your ass with it.

The doctor got giddy upon seeing it... that's... uhhh... disconcerting...

You should have asked the doctor to help you make it feel better.

And then write a rant on the internet how you can not even flirt anymore in this time and age!

Well jeeze man! Use some lube next time!

samomaha 17

Time for a little more Youtube and a little less pornhub.

Me to best friend: Hey, there’s some new prom videos on youtube. Wanna come watch with me? Best friend.: Sure, I’ll bring the lube!

Use lotion, less force and don’t be jerking off all the time! It’s your penis, learn to use it right.

You got to "hand" it to yourself. At least you know nobody in your life sucks.

At least it's not an allergic reaction. Next time use lube.