What did I do to you?

By Anonymous - 29/03/2022 18:00

Today, I was kicked out of my ex-girlfriend's apartment, with whom I’ve been staying with, because I’m a 'bad influence to her two sons' since I’m an 'alcoholic who passed out and pissed the couch.” I’ve been sober since the beginning of January, and have been in AA since. I'm also prone to seizures. She does Meth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 037
You deserved it 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call CPS for her meth use. She needs help.

Michael Sawyer 11

as an Epileptic myself and have seizures as this guy did screw you for you UNfunny comment. i am sure a seizure is why he was "passed out and pissed himself" seeing as when one goes into a seizure you loose control of every muscle in your body including bladder.


I think pissing the couch warrants automatic eviction regardless of the actual cause. Sorry. Her sons probably think it's ok to piss anywhere, and we just cannot have that.

Michael Sawyer 11

as an Epileptic myself and have seizures as this guy did screw you for you UNfunny comment. i am sure a seizure is why he was "passed out and pissed himself" seeing as when one goes into a seizure you loose control of every muscle in your body including bladder.

Call CPS for her meth use. She needs help.

sounds more like she just got tired of you, and needed a excuse