By starrybrooke - 06/04/2009 08:40 - United States

Today, while working the dinner rush at my job, every single computer, credit card machine, and printer froze for an hour and a half. The reason behind this issue was a large wire ripped from the mainframe, the same wire I tripped over 20 seconds before while my boss watched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 598
You deserved it 9 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vt_mruhlin 0

Clearly the wire posed a safety hazard. You should sue your boss.

Inspired22 11

Why is it out in the open where people can trip on it? Especially at a restaurant, because there is so much traffic! That is not your fault at all!


pumpkincakes 3

not your fault there meant to have the wires somewhere that no one can trip

imgangstayo420 0

If I tripped over a wire the first thing I would do after I got up would be to check what I tripped over. While it's their fault for having a wire out where people could trip over it, it's your fault for not checking the wire after you tripped on it.

galad2003 0

That was a trip hazard which is an OSHA violation. You didn't do anything wrong. Your boss is lucky you didn't get hurt because you could have sued the crap out of them.

extra points if you dropped something while tripping over said wire, jk...sorry man, i know your pain.

badopie9er 0

For all of those giving the OP a hard time about using the term "mainframe"...give it a rest. A mainframe is a continually evolving general purpose computing platform incorporating in it architectural definition the essential functionality required by its target applications. So #16 a "Windows 98 tower running some POS/credit card/print server, under the tomato sauce shelf" could, although a bit of a stretch, be considered a mainframe in it's most basic sense. The OP could have used a far more stupid term...believe me, I have heard them all!

#26 - no way. the mainframe status is negated by proximity to tomato sauce.

All restaurants have mainframes.. I mean seriously, who doesn't have a DASD or two back in the office set up with their z10? I've heard you can't sell food without it..

oooooh, that sucks. I once accidentally turned off the main drive thru computer where I work, so we were stuck without one of the computers for about half an hour. I felt really bad, haha. Oh, my noob days ..