By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 06:59 - United States

Today, while working at a restaurant, I watched someone throw their car door open and hit the side of my brand new car for the third time this week. I told the woman to be more careful. She told my manager that I was being racist. As I was being yelled at, I watched her hit my car again, smiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 399
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste


rihannalover 0

I hate this. Not your FML, but the fact that this woman thought you were racist for telling her to be more careful (not to mention you were in the right spot to say so). And also that your boss would go along with this, not even asking what happened. Last, what she did to your car after accusing you of being a racist and potentially firing you. Sorry this happened... (I'm not racist, my post sounds like I am but I'm not.)

urban_el0quence 0

#78. I KNOW RIGHT. Craziest mess I've heard in a while.. #77. ONE black presdent doesn't change everything. Just saying. Without the white vote, he wouldn't have gotten into office so yes, white people do hold the power. NEXT.

14 and 19, you don't quite know what you're talking about. I have taken Psychology and Sociology courses and received A's in the classes. Racism against white males is quite possible. A prime example is Canadian University tenure positions. At least 1/2 of the tenure positions at any University or College MUST be held by women, even though women make up 20% of the applicants and white males make up around 60%. The women are practically guaranteed the position even though they may lack qualifications; if all the women have positions and still do not reach 1/2, then racial minorities are picked first (preferably one with a disability - that always looks good), and after ever minority and women has a position, THEN a white male can receive the status. I'm not saying racism doesn't exist both ways, but not every act is racist and many systems are now becoming dead set against whites. Is it today's current population of white males' fault that slavery existed? Or that the Native Americans were killed? Makes sense to blame them for their ancestors faults.

Everyone, stop calling Barack black. He African. I know black people, and they don't no shit about Africa!

Thats bullshit, it seems that racism is just a ****** up excuse most people come up with when they don't like you, and whats worse is that because our civilization is so stuck up and backwards they let that kind of stuff happen, instead of saying screw you.

86.. Your percentages don't equal a hundred bro.... Male 60% Female20% ????

I hate when people say 'omg you're being racist' when you really aren't. You know you could have gotten the cops involved in that...