By nitemastr15 - 28/11/2015 00:18 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, while shopping for Black Friday, I got in line, hoping to get an Xbox One. I spent so long mistakenly standing in line for the bathroom that the store had sold out by the time I realized my mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 707
You deserved it 14 449

nitemastr15 tells us more.

nitemastr15 17

Ok guys, OP here. Just to clarify, me and my brother each decided that I would get the PS4 and he would get the X-box One. He didn't have the money for his when I had the money for mine and he was really bummed out so I decided I was going to buy the console he wanted with my money and wait for my PS4. Fortunately though, he received an X-box One from his girlfriend the next day so it's actually a good thing I didn't end up being able to get one.

Top comments

Yep, the XBox One comes in three versions: Men's, Women's, and Single-Person Stall.


YDI for going to a store for Black Friday shopping in the first place. I'm pretty sure you could've found a decent deal online.

You still haven't got the Xbox one yet?? It's been out for like a year damn I'm sorry for you

JohnTheDonJuan 11

Agreed, if you're just now making the switch to current Gen, you need to step your game up. And if you're switching from PS4 to Xbox, go back, we don't take kindly to your kind around here.

That sucks OP. But I've been Black Friday shopping every year, and I've never confused the bathroom line with a product line. There's always workers you can ask, or even ask the people in line what the line is for.

I had to get off of work at 8 and head to bestbuy before they closed at 9, none left, went to eb games and bought the last halo 5 edition in Windsor, ON ?

This is why I bought mine week or two early. Screw saving money. I'll pay extra so I don't have to sand in line

elizacandle 29

you dodged a bullet Xbox sucks. go for the ps4

YDI for trying to get a glorified general entertainment system. Get a PS4, theyve sold more and are easily a better community.

Community's the same. Much overlap, same floor of immaturity, same ceiling of maturity, same boasts about how their community as superior, and same types of people who don't give a damn about console wars and just play games without being pretentious blowhards.

FalloutScrolls 25

Cyber Monday. Because crowds suck.