By Anonymous - 22/03/2013 19:15 - Italy - Catanzaro

Today, while shaving my nether regions, I slipped and sliced myself in three separate places. They won't completely stop bleeding. I'm virtually having a second period, and it hurts to close my legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 785
You deserved it 7 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just reading that made me cringe. FYL, op.

Because one period at a time just isn't enough.


Umm I'm pretty sure if you slices your ******* area with a razor, you wouldn't be a happy camper. Stop bitching.

Try straddling a frozen ham or turkey, it should dull the pain and stop the bleeding.

Shinara101 14

I cringed when I read that. I'm so sorry!

You can pick up an electric razor for the nether regions for $20. I am clumsy and careless, so I bought one for this reason, not one single cut.

Bless you're soul with the pain you have to live for, for the next couple of days.

I did that once. my butt. Not a good time. I had to sit on a wet rag for half an hour