By tinypenis - 04/06/2013 12:15 - United States - Jamaica

Today, while sexting my girlfriend, I accidently sent a picture to her father instead of her. He sent back a link to a penis enlargement company's website. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 816
You deserved it 71 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is literally THE BEST response he could have given


Haha. Troll Dad wins. Sorry, but YDI. You should carefully check the recipient before sending something like that!

Dude, you're lucky that he just made fun of your penis instead of him kicking YOUR ASS. :D #BabyDick

Iniezian 18

The fact that this was his response shows that they're adults who live on their own. OP would have likely gotten a far different reaction had they still been in high school, so this is probably the most he could have done.

Obey_StudBoii 23

At least he didn't send you an indecent picture.

That's actually a lot better Ryan anything that could have happened.

At least he had a good sense of humor about it!

Be glad he didn't send you a link to a shotgun selling company. :)

Mamaluigi619 4

HA!!!!LOLOLOLOL..... im sorry but that just made my day BEST RESPONSE EVER

nishantvas 13

well played by him... good thing you still have your teeths