By mmmtortilla - 24/04/2012 14:03 - Spain - Portugalete

Today, while putting on a load of laundry, I squeezed the detergent bottle and it made a noise like a woman's orgasm. After laughing, I realised that I'm probably too immature to be washing my own clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 372
You deserved it 28 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not immature! That's funny as hell and you have awesome humor!

I think you are referring to a queef not an ******.


and i agree with the others. never too immature to do chores. but youre obviously too immature to have sex. God forbid you get pregnant.

It's okay, yesterday I was petting my dog and I started laughing like crazy. For absolutely no reason.

hamsmum 2

What you are describing sounds like queefing, not orgasming. If my orgasms were like a bottle emptying, I would be complaining. ;-)

dmadsen33 9

Yeah... You need more orgasms my friend.! Let the laundry be and realize that your orgasms don't make you sound like a detergent bottle!

A bottle that sounded like a woman's ******... Who have you been dating?

HunterAlpha1 8

and exactly what, pray tell, does a woman's happyhappyjoyjoy sound like?

Do y'all think that some of these people commenting take this very seriously

surcouay 0

How could a detergent bottle sound like an ******? Are you thinking of the word queef?