By caaarl - 19/04/2012 19:46 - United Kingdom - Hemel Hempstead

Today, while looking through my wedding photos, I realised my wife had done a duck face in every single one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 024
You deserved it 6 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*sigh* It seems you can't escape duck faces anywhere. That stupid face ruins any photo.


I'm actually curious as to what her reaction will be years from now, when she looks through them again.

Says the child who thinks "sticking out of the tongue" is the new "duck face"....quack quack!

It is a REALLY big deal. Those are WEDDING PHOTOS. Something you can never replaced. Dur.

bizarre_ftw 21

I now pronounce you husband and troll

Mazel Tov. You'll cherish those memories till death do you part.

I lub ducks!! But that really sucks.. No memories of that special day.. That are at least decent. xD

Trisha_aus 15

Ugh!! When will these psychopaths learn that duck faces are not attractive!! They're hideous and no you don't look like a model when you make that face! That's terrible op, don't show it to your kids

He married an ugly duckling that grew up to realize they will always be ugly.

fuckmebutdontfml 16

too bad wedding pictures are not the kimd you want to laugh about years later...