By holy sleet - 29/11/2013 21:49 - United States - Rochester

Today, while ice-skating with my girlfriend, I tried to do what they do in the movies and make her gently fall into my arms. Instead she slipped, fell, and hit her head on the ice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 772
You deserved it 41 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah....attempted risky move on unsuspecting loved one with no prior practice before hand. Brilliant. :p

On the bright side. At least they got ice on the injury right away.


I would still think it was adorable if you told me afterwards what you were trying to do

Sweetpea22 14

You think trying to copy things done in movies is adorable? I think it's tacky and unoriginal.

MzZombicidal 36

I would have found it adorable if I was warned beforehand and could decide for myself whether I wanted to be involved in tricks on ice or not.

The idea that they're trying to do something cute is, whether it's original or not haha

Sweetpea22 14

Being original is the cutest thing a guy can do because they actually created it. Copying something shows they were too lazy to think of something original

I'm not really sure what's cute about this anyway. If I was actually falling and a guy caught me I'd be relieved, grateful, maybe a bit shaken up...I don't think I'd be thinking 'oh you're so adorable!' Plus if she's good enough that she wasn't falling over without him 'helping' it would just be annoying that he 'helped' even if he did catch her. If she's a lot better than him it could even be patronising

Ever thought of doing that other thing they do in movies, that is holding hands and sharing a laugh while skating? Total YDI.

Not only was that a bonehead move, you don't even see it much in movies. I think that's because it's a bonehead move.

You probably shouldn't attempt everything you see in the movies x)

Well we can for sure tell now she fell for you...

tompou6 19

Don't you know that, that stuff only works in the movies

Did your gf got hurt? I hope nt..i always wanted a bf who would do the same thing that u did...

What, skating and holding hands isn't romantic enough for you?