By wench - 23/12/2010 20:39 - United States

Today, while driving, I idly started picking my nose. I looked over at the car next to me and saw a smoking hot guy from my school staring at me in disgust. He kept staring until I took a turn-off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 557
You deserved it 36 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you also idly wipe your ass as you ride in elevators? Please, tell us what other disgusting habits you idly have.

I think the turn-off was there from the moment you stuck your digit up your nostril.


icepick23 12

Why date someone who smokes?

Raivyn_Grimm 9

You're an idiot. If you can't figure out what is so wrong with your comment, then don't post anymore.