By Anonymous - 30/05/2015 07:28 - United States - Plainview

Today, while driving home from work, I saw my boyfriend mugging a woman on the sidewalk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 986
You deserved it 3 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have hit him with your car like GTA.

juturnaamo 29

Because it would've been fine if he had been mugging a man?


Let him enjoy his life insecured one

And he would have saved hinself like a pedestrian in midtown madness

seemo82 19

either u stop being his GF or go buy a new shot-gun and start shooting ppl in streets so u cam match him :p

Exactly. Do's and don't's of dating a criminal. Well, not dating a criminal.

ninjakitty254 23

Well, he sounds like a keeper.

Talk about providing for the family.

Maybe he was getting something nice for you.

And did it ever cross your mind to stop the car and confront him to help the woman he was mugging?

That's not always an option. I witnessed an unfortunate event while driving once. A kid getting ready for school had left their hike outside their apartment building, ran inside for something, and some thief ran, picked up the bike, and ran off with it (it did kind of make me chuckle that he ran off with it rather than ride off with it) but I was on the other side of the road with a meridian beside me and a traffic circle in front of me. I wouldn't have been able to do anything in time. So maybe by the time OP was able to turn her vehicle around, or park, or do anything that would allow her to confront him, he would have been gone. Hopefully she went to the police to turn him in though.