By Anonymous - 03/04/2011 15:14 - United States

Today, while bending over to get the brownies I was making out of the oven, my husband slapped my butt. I fell into the oven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 726
You deserved it 6 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hansel and Grettal all over again. Your husband might be a witch.


Muffin_Tops_fml 2

he likes his buns toasted:D

Capt_Oblivious 10

torture,, gotta love it! And it sound like fun xp

If you were smart enough to make "special" brownies you can just eat some and feel a little better, if not ydi

bringonthebling 0

well, how did the brownies turn out?

hihi1212 1

justin bieber wana be right here guys!! ^^^

OMG U R a Justin beiber wannabe!!!! haha I bet thts the reason u put tht picture on here!!!

killerkat1697 0
tsukaga2isuwaya 0

Sounds like you got burned.