By waltzy777 - 26/04/2009 08:12 - United States

Today, we were having a family get together at my house. Because of this, i had to mow our lawn to make sure it looked nice. I got a little bored and decided it would be funny to cut a rather large penis into my yard. right when i finished, i ran out of gas. My 83 year old grandmother saw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 607
You deserved it 83 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHA owned, that's not so bad though. She's 83 and has probably been through enough to not care.

how the **** do you do that haha thats some creativity


10 points! YDI though but personally I'd leave it there as a point of amusement.

i don't know why everyone is so uptight about this, thats hilarious man!

Sounds to me like somebody's overcompensating...

LOL, that's so creative ! ..I don't know which to choose: FYL or YDI ? D: LOL @ 30 and 66

blankslate 0

This reminds me of superbad. Also, 16- the reverse FML's are getting old.

stargirl14 0

dont worry im sure thats not the first penis your grandmothers ever seen lol

Why does that ALWAYS seem to happen?

GoMeat4103 0

Why are you all assuming the OP is a guy? :P

LOL man when i cut the grass an get bored i jus do dougnuts on the laneway but damn u drew a dick

i agree with #66! this is one of the funniest FMLs i've seen!