By waltzy777 - 26/04/2009 08:12 - United States

Today, we were having a family get together at my house. Because of this, i had to mow our lawn to make sure it looked nice. I got a little bored and decided it would be funny to cut a rather large penis into my yard. right when i finished, i ran out of gas. My 83 year old grandmother saw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 607
You deserved it 83 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHA owned, that's not so bad though. She's 83 and has probably been through enough to not care.

how the **** do you do that haha thats some creativity


BS ever heard of a weed eater?? if you wanted to you could have fixed that up.

hey number 128 go suck a dick he may not have had some on hand what he could use think before you speak dickwad

What are you complaining about, she's experienced.

Lol ive read like 5 FMLs now that are related to irremoveable penises

If I was your grandma I would have laughed so hard


KiwiGrimm 0

lol I hope she is a cool gma and laughed :]

ok what's with people and their fascination with making/drawing a penis? I just don't get it

im so adding this to my favorites. haha. sorry bud. =P