By happyeffingbday202 - 02/04/2009 23:12 - United States

Today, was my 16th birthday. Needless to say, I was delighted when my friends presented me with a birthday card in a homeroom. I pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, "Aw, you guys really shouldn't have!" They didn't. It was our teacher's birthday. They just wanted me to sign the card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 047
You deserved it 5 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Slayer_fml 0

Aw that sucks. Happy birthday though!

That does kinda suck, although I do think that is a nice thing for your friends to do for your teacher. Who knows, maybe it's the only happy birthday your teacher will get. I hope you had a happy birthday anyway!


your friends forgot your birthday but remembered your teacher's? That's messed up... What kind of friends do you have? Truely sorry for you and hope the rest of your day was better P.S - Happy 16th Birthday =)

xMooMoox 0

It could have been worse, it could have been your mom who sat in pain in labor with you. Now that would suck. I don't remember most peoples birthdays besides my family's. But it sucks to be forgotten :(

haha that is hilarious happy belated birthday btw

Happy Birthday! I know the feeling, for my sweet sixteen, my parents made me bake my own cake, and then complained that I didn't put the icing on thick enough... wish I knew about FML back then...

Yesterday was my 16th birthday, too! My day was better than that... Two of my best friends did skimp out on wishing me a happy birthday though.

swimchica 0

the exact same thing happened to me last year. it was my birthday and another girl's birthday and one of my good friends came up to me with a balloon. i said thanks and took it, then, with a confused look, she handed me a sharpie and told me to write happy birthday to elizabeth. nice. later that day, my friend elizabeth ran out of room in her locker for presents and asked me if she could put some in my empty locker. then we sang happy birthday to her in every single class. worst birthday ever.

#26 That's even shittier than the OP's.

It's okay, my birthday last year sucked too. I had marching band rehearsal all day and a competition that night, in which we were beaten by the school we hoped (and expected) to beat. I was screamed at all day by my colorguard instructor, and then got called a drama queen when I got upset. To top it all off, this one guy in the marching band would get the whole band to stop in the middle of the practice and sing for whoever's birthday it was, which had happened 3 or 4 times already. He knew it was my birthday. They didn't sing to me. Oh, and the guy I've liked for two years didn't wish me a happy birthday either. All around it just sucked.