By creepyyy - 17/05/2014 16:54 - United States

Today, trying to be nice, I added this really shy kid from my English class on Facebook. Within minutes, he started going through all my pictures and tagging himself as my breasts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 433
You deserved it 9 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments


He just tagged himself where he wants to be, close to your heart!

op has one heart. he tagged both breasts

You van only tag yourself in one place in a picture. Or are you the kind of person to show up multiple times in one picture.

Don't you know? It's always the quiet ones that do the oddest things.

After the crime, the neighbors always say 'He was kind of quiet, kept to himself a lot'

cryssycakesx3 22

if they're black, "he was trying to be a rapper"

It's the quiet ones you have to keep an eye on.

I think its breast to stay away from him...

And this is why you don't add people you don't know, but kudos for being nice OP!

cryssycakesx3 22

Sorry it turned out that way (though it's really amusing), please don't let this keep you from being kind to other shy people. Root for the under dog, woof woof!

he's your new breast friend. that was so nice of you . sometimes kids act like real boobs. **** great that you didn't.

Sometimes, shy people aren't who they appear to be.

its the shy ones you gotta watch out for. them and the quiet ones