By Lonely - 18/03/2010 04:02 - United States

Today, the girl I have been dating for the past couple months broke it off with me. She said she's tired of waiting around for me and being ignored in the mean time. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so greedy as to finish my 2 degrees and work 2 jobs to pay for my school. How selfish of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 500
You deserved it 18 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's for the better, you have no time for a relationship anyway. soooo.... why even start one if you are going to be nonexistant? two jobs and college, that gotta suck.

redshortsx 0

you really shouldn't be dating at all think abt it from her point of view she never sees you and your gone all hours how is a realiatuonship like that supposed to work? you weren't selfish but she wasn't your priority andshe felt like she needed to be. she shouldve come talk to you but she didn't so now it's time to move on


Malkiah 0

I guess this is when I say you shouldn't get involved in a relationship when you know you aren't going to have time for the person, communication and spending time with one another is kind of a big part on making things work.. not be there when I have time for you. Congrats on your degrees and all, but I can only hope this is a lesson learned kind of thing..

seriously, you are selfish. you expected her to revolve around you. who wants to be an 'option' when the other expects to be a 'priority'? I'm glad you're going for two degrees and that you have a job to keep you afloat. Clearly, you have no time for a relationship. stop being so spiteful. wake up and smell the coffee. you're a selfish person.

A teacher stood in front of his class with an empty beaker. "This beaker is like your life. You can fill it with various responsibilities and activities; school, work, sports,..." As he listed each thing, he dropped a stone in the beaker. "Now it seems like your life is full," he said as he raised the beaker full of stones, "but think of your relationships, family, spouse, etc, as this pile of sand." As he spoke, he poured the sand into the beaker. "There's always room for relationships in your life, no matter how busy you are with other stuff". After he was done, a student came over and poured his beer into the beaker, shouting "There's also always room for beer!"

AquaSky 1

Two undergraduate degrees ? If so, YDI for making poor choices.

geordieboysgirl 0

You were doing things for your benefit, not hers. Seems like the pot calling the kettle black to me.

I dunno, I understand both points of view here. Your gf shouldn't have accused you of ignoring her, but with such a busy lifestyle perhaps you should have realised you didn't have time for a gf? If you're going to have a girlfriend you have to spend time with her. XScarlet was right when (s)he said "It isn't selfish of you to be working towards your goals, however it is selfish of you to expect a girl to date you and be ok with getting ignored or waiting around for you".

yes selfish for thinking you could have it all, don't have a girlfriend if you don't have time for one.

Why would you start a relationship when you don't even have time for her? Is it really that hard to take 10 minutes out of your break to talk to her? Also..even if you can't talk to her, send her texts. You guys only dated for a couple of months, did you really expect her to remain with you and continue being ignored? If you can do this to her now..imagine when you do get a job...this situation may occur again.

first career then relationship. dats da way to go.

disagree! start a relationship, after 6 months when things get monotone, find a job. by then, she'll be more involved emotionally, not to mention tired of supporting ur ass.

well u should know that with all the work u r doing that u don't have time for a girlfriend so don't go off trying to get another one anytime soon