By flimflam - 02/09/2010 17:39 - United States

Today, the elevator broke in my dorm and won't be fixed for several days. I live on the 26th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 750
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i guess i could let u borrow my jet pack

kmaikell 0

Your dorm has 26 floors? Sheesh, I'm sorry! :(


at least you'll get really really fit lol

mza832000 0

you're gonna have bufffffff legs! 

shadyecko 0

Buy a parachute and jump out the window...problem solved.

walk it fatty. I walk all over campus so it's the same thing only vertical.

spartan_girl 0

stairs are way different than walking around- I had a knee injury that is still sort of lingering, and I can walk miles (carrying a backpack) with no problem, but if I have to take a lot of stairs, I have a lot of knee pain. OP, that sucks, I complained when I lived on the 6th floor and one of our two elevators was broken, lol. I hope you don't have to go grocery shopping much before they fix the elevators!

The **** kind of dorm has 26(+) floors? Call spiderman. Duh.

CCHSchick2 0

ydi for going to a school that has a dorm with 26 floors

What does it matter? Use the stairs, lazy.

DrewSaFur1313 2

what college has dorms with 26 floors? that seriously makes no sense. even the biggest schools have dorms only 4 or 5 floors. If OP would have said apartment that would be believable.

vienna_awaits 0

Thats not true. I don't know about 26 floors, but I live in a dorm with 16 floors.

I had to walk 17 miles to school and it was up hill both ways