By cocacola999 - 05/10/2015 08:31 - United Kingdom

Today, several coworkers think the operation scar on my wrist is really a failed suicide attempt, because I study design and apparently, "Artists are suicidal, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 393
You deserved it 1 732

cocacola999 tells us more.

Hi, OP here. Great to see this published! A follow-up to what many pointed out - they did not actually ask me directly. Instead, they asked one of my friends "What's with her scar?". She already knew me during the accident and operation, so she said that it was an operation scar. However, the others started asking "Are you sure? Maybe it's a cover-up?" etc. The operation was less than a year ago, so I hope the scar will fade in time. I don't really care about their opinion, nor do I think that there would be anything shameful about a suicide scar - I rather thought this kind of stupidity was at least good for an FML. Let them think however they like.

Top comments

That is an unfortunate location for a surgery scar though.

Yes because all artists are suicidal. FYL


Vincent Van Gogh Earnest Hemingway Etc... They are examples but that doesn't mean it's you OP

That wouldn't be the way to phrase it, especially if you were in fact suicidal. Not, to be frank, that any past attempts would be any of their damn business. You don't have anything to be ashamed of, nor does anyone with scars from actual suicide attempts. Tell them that your private life isn't a work related matter, and that you do not appreciate them passing around false information about you. I would honestly suggest also going to HR, if only to have it noted that them discussing your personal life is in fact an issue. I say to do so because rumors have an unfortunate habit of escalating with repetition, and you could wind up with an unfounded reputation for a lot of things from their information fishing- one person I went to college with had a similar operational scar and at some point he went from being "post op" to "suicide attempt" to "drug addict" in the rumor mill. Being in a small town, he got terminated from his job because his employer was a gossip hound.

Hi, OP here. Great to see this published! A follow-up to what many pointed out - they did not actually ask me directly. Instead, they asked one of my friends "What's with her scar?". She already knew me during the accident and operation, so she said that it was an operation scar. However, the others started asking "Are you sure? Maybe it's a cover-up?" etc. The operation was less than a year ago, so I hope the scar will fade in time. I don't really care about their opinion, nor do I think that there would be anything shameful about a suicide scar - I rather thought this kind of stupidity was at least good for an FML. Let them think however they like.

bearbear120 27

What kind of operation was it?

I broke and dislocated my wrist, so the bones had to be surgically attached with metal - otherwise it might have healed wrong and caused me pain. A lot less rouble than with a cast, but now I have this scar.

My tip for scars is coconut oil. Good luck, OP!

cheshireau 26

You wanna know how I got these scars?

we get the joke 61, but its still rather tasteless

I broke liquid Vitamin E capsules and rubbed them on the surgical scar on my leg. It's seven inches long, so it's super noticeable and that really, really helped bring down the noticeability of it. Though I started that as soon as my cast came off.

TheEpicKitten 20

Why is a suicide scar not wrong? You tried to off yourself and you weren't even smart enough to do that right

MzZombicidal 36

#64, realizing you want to keep your life isn't dumb. People make mistakes and people get scarred up. Even if OP did have scars from an attempted suicide, who cares? How is that their business?

cheshireau 26

You and I have a completely different definition of tasteless. You have my joke, which I've used many time myself because I do have self harm scars, or someone making the motions behind OPs back. Now, I say the later because if that was to happen, that is tasteless. I guess you need a twisted sense of humor to appreciate my comment.

mom_of_5 10

Frankensisnce oil helps scars to fade. Maybe you should invest in some to speed up the process!

I don't have a suicide scar. But I do have a self-harm scar, and I'm not even making an effort at removing it, you know why? Because every time I look it now, I remind myself why I'm never doing it again. Nothing anyone can say is going to make me feel bad about the measures I went to survive depression and to save myself. Nothing. #64 get this straight. I might have been too stupid to do it right, but I don't regret a single thing. I have a single lined tattoo to remind me that I SURVIVED for the rest of my life. And I'm f**king proud of it.

They shouldn't be asking you about something like that. If it was you'd be uncomfortable talking about it.

They shouldn't be asking you about something like that. If it was you'd be uncomfortable talking about it.

ffs, not every artist is like Vincent Van Gogh