By Anonymous - 28/03/2012 16:25 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, one of my nostrils became completely blocked. At lunch time, I went out to my car to dig into my nose. When I finished, I held up the cornflake sized booger in victory. I noticed too late that my boss was in a car adjacent to me, shooting me a horrified look. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 096
You deserved it 30 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You found the gold! You should be proud!

YdoIhaveAchode 4


That's just disgusting. If you want to pick your nose so badly, just do it in a toilet stall or something.

I dont understand why you would even do that at your work

Llama_Face89 33

Better than walking around all day unable to breathe through your nose.

leprechaun23 15

Use a tissue or dig for the gold in a stall in the bathroom

They have this stuff called Kleenex you know....

bkisbest96 1

Should've went to the bathroom. Smh -____-

You could have maturely blown your nose inside the building....

1. Go into the men's bathroom 2. Enter an empty stall and lock the door behind you 3. Sit down and drill to your hearts content 4. Admire acquired "nose gold" 5. DO NOT EAT the nose gold 6. Wrap nose gold in toilet tissue 7. Flush said nose gold

mauguster 15

Or 1.) blow your nose like an adult

The "DO NOT EAT the nose gold" bit made me laugh so hard. Simply brilliant.

crazychick1269 7

I had cornflakes for lunch... Never again

Well, they say everything is bigger in Texas... I guess that includes mucus mounds and your boss's horror level.