By =( - 15/02/2015 14:52 - Australia

Today, once again I tried to convince my dad to stop smoking. And once again, while I was speaking, he lit up a cigarette and smoked until my asthma flared up and I was wheezing so hard that I had to leave the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 771
You deserved it 4 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1 In principle I agree with you. However I would have very little respect for someone who puts their own desire to smoke above their child's health. That respect plummets zero when he deliberately lights up in front of her in an attempt to possibly trigger an asthma attack only to prove a point. That kind of person doesn't deserve anybody's respect.

one small puff for man, one giant hit for mankind.


Borederlander 1

You could always get back at him subtly by taking his cigarettes and wiping the butt in a sweaty crevice of yours.

Life lessons: passive aggressiveness can make asthma flare up.

Do what I did when my dad started smoking; find every pack he buys, crush them, and then leave them where you found 'em. When he asks about it tell him you did it because you want him to live.

Child endangerment charges might help motivate him to stop. Such a selfish thing he's doing. Sorry.

rebeal 2

if you under 18 you should consider emancipation. if you are 18 and older you should move out.

I lost my dad last year because of cigarettes. He was 57. Keep trying to get him to quit...

CaptainCore993 19

Wow,what an ass.Who continues to smoke while they can see that it cause their kid health problems? Confuses me so much.

Respect his choice, because you cannot make a smoker quit, they will not be able to quit until they make the decision on their own.

baxwar 15

I made 2 quit. You just have to show that you care about their health and them as a person. It puts reality in front of them and sets their priorities straight.

Respect his choice? By the sound of it, this was a deliberate assault. OP asked their father not to smoke because of their asthma, and he responded by lighting up to trigger an attack. I'd call that a matter for the police.