By dwaggle - 02/07/2009 00:58 - United States

Today, my wife tried to catch the bouquet at my sister's wedding. Afterward I informed her that only single women were supposed to do that, and she replied "I know". My wife told me that she was divorcing me at my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 214
You deserved it 2 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your wife is a bitch. You deserve better!

mehwhateverr 0

Bad news: You're getting a divorce. Good news: You're rid of a heartless bitch. FYL.


Hopefully she was kidding. It sounds like it could be a joke, right? FYL if she's not :(.

If she was not joking then she is a rude person. Not an appropriate time, and it's bad party manners. Though maybe seeing a happy couple evoked some feelings that she has been missing, if she was a grown up she would have addressed this with you long ago in private. I don't know what sort of guy you are, but your woman is either a baby or a bitch, get a good lawyer and take her to the cleaners, that'll teach her for being a social spastic.

Turner81 0

God she is a ******* stupid ***** bitch to do that to you!!!! Unless she was kidding...

christopherlove 0

A woman apparently relished crushing your heart by saying something tactless, tasteless, and disrespectful. I'll alert the media... /sarcasm.

americayay 0

Agreed. Regardless of how the relationship is today, you loved this person once, and you should have enough respect for that love to let them down as nicely as possible, especially without being cruel.

I feel you # 36. My ex was the same way. Except for the fact she had her little guy friend come after me and I put him in the hospital. Hehe.

MissBunnyfufu 0

Man.. that's harsh, FYL and your wife is a b-, especially since she busted out that news while it was a joyous occasion, celebrating and being happy for you sister getting married. It was suppose to be "her day;" now you shall remember it more so as the day your wife f-ed you over...

hella_elyse 0

OUCH! I'm so sorry! No one deserves that!