By gorgeousrenthead - 10/08/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my parents decided to visit me. When I first got my apartment I gave them a key "just in case" and today they used this key to enter when I didn't answer their knocking. I didn't answer because I was having sex with my boyfriend. My parents saw everything. They didn't know I was gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 445
You deserved it 30 037

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Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

I think you where being a bit anal giving your parents the key. . .


Nick_726 0

Really there aren't that many gays the liberal media just makes it seem that way. Also if I said something about killing babies with abortion yall wouldn't have anything which is pretty sad, but when I say something about killing gays it's " ohh no, gay people aren't bad, your like hitler" so stfu u liberal communists. And whoever said they were loosing faith in the human race...I lost it when u dumb **** liberal communists voting barrack HUSSEIN obama in the white house.

really? Are we in the dark ages again where we run after people with pitchforks and torches because we disagree with them? I would also like you to define what "liberal" means. If you think that it means "everything I stand against" as I think you do, then you are indeed close minded. Also I love how you used the term "liberal media." Good gob, you now sound just like that idiot Sarah Palin. I find it interesting that the same people who supported Bush just because he was "our president and we should respect that," are the same people who refuse to accept Obama as their President. By the way, a large number of Republicans voted him in to because they were tired of the same old shit. Go back to the dark ages you moron, I hope your children turn out to be gay so you can learn to love them.

Um, isn't the libereal viewpoint that you should be able to believe what you want and be yourself without "go back to the dark ages retard!". We do have an anti conservative/ pro liberal media, just so you know. I agree with Nick_726 in that it's a strange world we live in where babies can be killed because it's "anti feminest" not to kill them, but saying a bad word about gay relationships is so bad. I don't think that being gay is wrong, I do think acting on it is wrong. I don't agree with killing gays, but I don't agree with gay relationships. It's what I believe, let me believe it. Let Nick_726 believe what he believes.

How can you not think being gay is wrong, but think acting on it is wrong? You expect gay people to be unhappy for their entire lives just so they can adhere to your Medieval ideals? You're a stupid ******* bitch and I hope you know that. Sincerely.

I think having strong friendships are fine. Gay males can have strong, deep friendships with other gay males. By "not acting on it" I mean not having sex. I don't think you need to have sex to have a happy life. If you think you do, well then wow. I have never had sex and live a perfectly happy life. I know, a life where you save yourself for marriage is from the dark ages, boohoo.

... And then you vote to ensure that gay marriage is illegal in most states. But again, you don't think gay people should ever have sex because it goes against your personal beliefs? How self-absorbed could you possibly be?

I assume you have a Christian background (correct me if I'm wrong). In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul talks about celibacy and acknowledges that not everyone has this gift.

Of course, I believe God made sex for precreation, and therefore gay sex is wrong. I'm so self absorbed. And I know, somehow that's self absorbed and from the dark ages. Also, by your logic, pedophiles should be able to do whatever they want or they won't be happy, and not letting them do that is selfish.

@nerdy_singer: For someone who claims to be basing your beliefs in the Bible, you really seem to be making a lot of shit up. The Bible never claims that sex is for procreation only, and in fact tells us that it's a gift from God. I will grant you that it *does* say it's for those bound in matrimony, but that is unrelated to the issue of whether or not gay sex itself is okay. Furthermore, unless you can explain to me exactly how it is that people having gay sex without you harms you in any way, shape, or form, you are entirely self-absorbed to be preaching how there's a problem with two guys having sex. That's their own business, not yours. Even further, I would like you to point out a single place in the Bible where it actually states that there is anything wrong with homosexuality. Even if you come up with anything, I think you'll find that any passages you quote don't quite mean what you think they mean, and I'll be more than happy to tell you how not if you want to try them. Finally, Overcast's logic does *not* say to allow pedophiles to do whatever they want. Ey is saying we should allow two consenting adults to have sex if they wish. Having sex with a child is not, in fact, between two consenting adults.

I am well aware that the Bible does not directly state that gay sex is wrong. I read the Bible contaxtually. I also agree that it is the choice of the two people. I personally think it is the wrong choice to make. I am simply expressing my opinion. I am not being self absorbed by having and expressing an opinion.

primogen18 0

Hardcore bible thumpers scare me, I mean really, if you're living your life completely based on a book written by other people thousands of years ago, and you say every thing makes perfect logical sense, then there is really something off there IMO. That's like saying you don't believe in football, but wait that's touching the skin of a dead pig, so you shouldn't. Good thing you can pick and choose which ones to ignore and which to completely mis-read. But hey, it's called Christianity, and like that shitty HS band who had rich parents, had alot of money and power to back it so it just lingers. Unfortunately, I can turn off the shitty HS band, but religion is forced down my throat and running my life, weather I like it or not. Meanwhile I wish I could just have nothing to do with such things because I believe in thinking for myself.

Nick_726 0

Ohh one more thing THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!!!


Chocolate_Chunk 2
sonnyv 0

oh honey im soo sorry they had to see you when you were hving sex. thats the worst part! uhg my parents would wALK IN too if they had a key

iloveblackshirt6 0

I love gay guys. Their so amazing....anywaysss that really sucks

Seriously... if they have a spare key, make it clear that they are to CALL before hand to make sure they don't enter when they're less than welcome! Even if I'm in the middle of ******' someone I can take five seconds to answer the phone and say "hey, yeah, don't come over for like an hour". But yeah... FYL for the unavoidable awkwardness that had to have immediately followed these events.

To me, saying "I love gay guys" or "I love gay people" is like saying "I like all straight people", I mean how can you group together an entire group of people that you don't even know, and say you love them all? I think you're trying to say that you support gay rights and their cause, but I don't think that's the best way of saying it. I'm straight, and I support all gay rights, but I'm not going to say that I "love all gay people", when some people I just don't like (and not because of their sexual orientation). @ OP: Sorry, that sucks. Hope your parents took it well

You judge people how they should be judged on not on appearances or beliefs, more people should be like you and I hope you know this! ^.^

I was just thinking about that! Yeah, they're probably trying to support gay rights or gay PEOPLE. But, it's also possible that they just like the gay stereotype or think it's funny or "cute." Now, I'm all against labeling and unfairly judging and of course there are gays who are completely different... but MOST of the ones I've met (at my nice liberal college, and otherwise) do seem close the stereotype! I can see how people, especially women, would "like" a flamboyant, girly-acting, stereotypical gay guy. Also, being part of a minority, especially a kind of oppressed minority, usually gives people some common characteristics... and they may mean that they sort of empathize with or like the gay community in general. All that said... of course you're right. I can think, off the top of my head, of one gay guy I really like, one I think is annoying but still okay, and one I don't really know but who always seems rude.

fangsupKELS 0

If everyone reproduced don't cha think we'd have a bit of an overpopulation issue? Op: that sucks! Hope they didn't flip out too much!

That sucks. You need to talk to you parents about privacy

I don't think they'll need that talk anymore. 8o

calamito 0

You kind of deserve it. Not because you're gay, or anything like that. You should have never given your parents the key to your apartment. -.-