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By Rahrahrahrah more power! - 15/07/2016 04:25 - United States - Florence

Today, my name is Tim with a middle name Allen. I learned my parents named me after Home Improvements Tim the tool man Taylor. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 324
You deserved it 42

Top comments

I personally think that's awesome! Tim Allen is a great guy!

If it helps, you were also named after the guy who voiced Buzz Lightyear.


I personally think that's awesome! Tim Allen is a great guy!

If it helps, you were also named after the guy who voiced Buzz Lightyear.

Oh no you are named after a celeb. How awful for you. Better than been named after a fruit or an ocean.

Angelalalalala 9

You weren't named after Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor, you were named after Tim Allen. But I agree with everyone else, Tim Allen is great. Fun fact: in 1978 Tim Allen was arrested for trafficking cocaine.