By Aeroboss - 23/01/2010 06:40 - France

Today, my mother machine-washed a suit I rented for a friends wedding, despite me informing her that it was dry-clean only, and that the store would take care of it. I now owe $1600 to replace the suit, and my mum is refusing to help pay, as she was "only trying to help." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 678
You deserved it 3 137

Aeroboss tells us more.

Aeroboss 8

Hello guys! OP here. Did not think it would get posted. So, to add onto the story, my friend's wedding was postponed a week because we had a little rain and he wanted an outdoor wedding. My mom usually is a pretty wonderful woman, but she is still used to cleaning up after myself and my siblings, probably because my youngest has muscular dystrophy and can't walk. We ended up sorting it out with the company, who informed us they could send us a new one. To be honest, repairing the suit would have cost less than just renting another one. Anyway, thanks for listening to the rant. Bye.

Top comments

Be sure to tell your mom that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. That and to get her hearing aide checked.


Tell her if she's that eager to "help", she can buy you a good suit so you won't have to rent them anymore. I'm going on the theory that if she spends her own money on it, she won't be so fricken eager to destroy it. Oh, and move the hell out of the house. If she's old enough to be that senile, you're old enough to live on your own.

Pawn her valuables, you're "only trying to help" reduce the clutter.

While, I've visited France and loved it, is it just me, or has a LOT of post from Nord-Pas-de-Calais been on here lately?

Yeah, 3 in a row the other day. I was going to say the same thing, minus being in France. Anyways. That sucks. And she should know to look at the label for washing instructions. ANd you told her specificly that its dry clean only. Thats just stupid. FYL

MF12 0

that's the default for if you don't put a location

Stevenopolis 0

I posted the same thing on another thread yesterday - there is no way that many ex Patriot Americans and Britons live in that town.

alicia_was_here 3

thanks for using one of my schools vocab words. you just gave me a bonus on my next test(:

Who machine washes suits? Your mom is broken, put her in a home before she hurts herself.

I'm sorry you have such a no-brains bitch for a mom. FYL.

Igor_g5 0

Who doesn't know that you don't wash a suit? Especially after being told. And she won't pay for her dumbass mistake? Your mother sucks.

Well most moms know better, but maybe you'll call it even for (at least) 18 years of food, clothes, school supplies, toys, allowance, gas money.... Are we putting things in perspective? You'll understand when you have kids.

ShadowLor 19

There is no perspective for destroying someone's things. Especially when instructions have been given. by your reasoning, my best friend who helped me move across the country away from my abusive ex could burn my things because he spent a fair amount of money helping me. I think, if you were put into the same position, you'd be just as upset. Parents do not have a magical ability to be exempted from the expectations their children are held to. If the roles were reversed for the OP and his mother, you can bet that she would demand he pay for her outfit. Being a parent doesn't mean you can walk all over your children and expect that to be okay.

No, we won't call it even. When you have kids, it is your responsibility to raise them. The kids didn't ask to be born, you chose to bring them into this world. If you don't want to pay for kids, you shouldn't have them. Just because you paid for them as children does not excuse you from paying for ruining your adult offspring's possessions.

The fact that they are related shouldn't have anything to do with it. She destroyed a 1600 suit that he was renting. She ****** up. Now she should foot the bill. That's that. And their aren't many things shittier than a parent who says, " I raised you, now you owe me".

Amen to that! My mother and I always have that argument. Every time she F's up, we argue about how much she spent raising me and all that. Then she gets the ***** when I point out that its her responsibility to as a parent. Doesn't she think that everyone does the same thing? Won't *I* be doing that myself some day. :(

What the hell is up with all the parents of these people here on fml. they sound like they all deserve to get their genitals mutilated.