By SlapAndTickle - 11/10/2013 03:04 - United States

Today, my mother kept nagging at me because my 9-month-old daughter only calms down when I play her metal. She demands I use gospel, otherwise she will turn into a "devil-worshipping lunatic like her mother". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 667
You deserved it 5 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love rocking out to some metal with baby cousin. Sound like an awesome kid you got. :)

sucks for you op next time you should say 'I hope she doesnt turn out like her grandmother'' and see what she says about that


Best kid in the world. Obviously, you're doing something right in the way you bring up your kid. Dio would be proud.

Not all of it is devil music. Smh. I'm a devout Christian and I listen to Pantera, cradle of filth, black sabbath, etc. music that is considered "devil music." Pretty sure the music you listen to doesn't determine where you go when you die.

Blaketallica 1

metal is best, simple as that

2 things, first, your baby is a badass baby. Second. I think you need to have your mom watch your child when she's being fussy and see how quick she resorts to the metal to get her to shut up.

El_Persono 1

That's pretty terrible, but I can't actually say your life is terrible when your baby is that awesome.

That's an awesome baby and an awesome mother

Shes a hypocritical b**** then tell her to quit judging. Just because you listen to gospel or go to church doesnt mean your going to heaven.

BlackFire4890 16

My daughter was the same way as a baby. she was all about mushroomhead and rob zombie and 4 yrs later she still is. gotta love the rocker babies!

ur mother is an asshole plain and simple.