By beaten - 13/09/2009 06:17 - United States

Today, my Marine friend got back from his tour of duty overseas. We went out for drinks to celebrate his return. His own form of celebration was to pick a fight with a returning Navy SEAL and his friends. We lost. Badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 352
You deserved it 14 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AmpulexCompressa 0

Navy SEALS are like grim reapers in training. Why would you fight them.

sakurachan04 0

That sucks, but... You DEFINITELY deserved that. You don't pick fights with a Navy SEAL unless you want to nearly die or actually die... Tell your Marine friend to grow a brain before he thinks of picking another fight.


Herropreez17 0

Don't **** with the navy seals dude... they ******* killed osama!!

He happened to be unarmed. Any idiot With a gun could kill Osama Bin Laden if he was unarmed. In fact only one person in the whole compound was armed.

actually, there are only 1200 navy seals in the world

ambeeelove 0

wow seriously fighting a fellow soldier. u should have each others back!

I want to add to that small number of frogmen

What an ass. We fight as a team not individuals!

bgaron 1

That's why you don't mess with SEALS. They're the baddest mofos in the military.

Well, the only easy day was yesterday