By ryanharp2 - 27/07/2012 05:05 - United States - Conway

Today, my iPhone got back from being fixed. When I opened the box there was a note attached to my phone that said, "All you had to do was turn it on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 711
You deserved it 42 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you couldn't figure this out, why?

sandinthewaves 5


I guess there is some validity to them putting in those ridiculously obvious solutions in the troubleshooting section after all.

m1989_fml 10

I'm guessing that smart phones make stupid people seem more... Stupid.

rcgirl2 11

Thats what instructions are for, Op. They're not there just be in the box.

tsk14 9

HahHa that's why people like you shouldn't use an iPhone

KattataFish 4

I've gotten the same response but my screen was cracked.

Buzzy123 7

I wonder if he posted this on the mobile app...

ROFL. Please tell me you arent responsible for anyone or anything important.

Hahahahhahah!!!!!!!! So your definitely NOT a techie.. Right??? Haha!

so what did you think was wrong with it for you to send it back to get fixed?

so what did you think was wrong with it for you to send it back to get fixed?