By Ew?Really? - 04/08/2014 05:42 - United States - Montrose

Today, my husband was disgusted by me expressing breast milk while we were in the shower together. This is the same man who thinks it's funny to pee on my legs because, "It'll wash off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 084
You deserved it 4 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you should pee on him and say "Well, at least it wasn't breast milk".


(Lady here) Its not *just* milk, that shit, UNLIKE PISS, ACTUALLY DOES HAVE BACTERIA SWIMMING AND SHIT. It can also transmit a whole array of nasty shit no one wants on them, its ******* disgusting. I'd rather be pissed on for a week straight without a shower than have someone squirt that "breast milk" shit on me (I;m not gonna use your cutesy dumb ass word "expressing", because its squirting, and its disgusting.) I would never ever wanna shower with you if you're gonna pull that shit while I'm in there. Piss may smell bad when dried or left floating about, but it sure doesn't smell any where NEAR as terrible as every breast feeding mother's house EVER. IE: Rotten as **** milk, every. Where. You. Go. In. The. House. And it smells worse than cows milk, because that shit isn't pasteurized or treated for all the flora of bacteria calling it their home.

If it's that dangerous, then why do babies drink it?